Who are "the girls of gumption"?
I’d like to introduce you to …“The Girls of Gumption”…
A beautiful collection of STRONG, AUTHENTIC, LIFE-LOVING females
designed to remind all the beautiful
sisters of the world of
who they truly are.
"The Girls of Gumption" were actually designed
with YOU in mind…
To mirror the sparkling energy of who YOU truly are.
To awaken you to your TRUTH
so you can shine your beautiful light of authenticity
out into the world.
An authenticity that allows you to live a life defined from
EXPRESSING YOUR LOVE wherever you go.
A TRUTH that allows you to live from an empowered space…
A space of grit,
A space of spunk, and
A space of GUMPTION.
your inner "girl of gumption"
It is time to embrace your own inner “Girl of Gumption.”
The one that knows the truth of who you really are
And loves you without question.
She is there to remind you that IT TAKES REAL GUMPTION
to rise fiercely in the glow of your own RADIANCE,
to stand GROUNDED and resolute in your own beliefs,
and to take action that stems from
being connected to your own intuition
from a space of humility, compassion, and kindness.
That it’s okay
to embrace your own unique quirkiness and eccentricities…
and to live in full colour and
take time out to delight in the whimsical parts of life.
Your inner "Girl of Gumption" knows you have your own dreams to fulfill,
your own desires to manifest,
and your own principles to help you create your own most magnificent life!
Your inner "Girl of Gumption" knows how important it is that you love yourself first
and that then, and ONLY then,
can you begin to bring in the healing and nurturing that our universe is calling out for.
"The Girls of Gumption"
know just what is needed to bestow this healing upon you and the world.
They know the medicine needed
to HEAL, EMPOWER, AND BALANCE the sacred feminine.
They know the elixir for all sisters to feel truly ALIVE!
"The Girls of Gumption" will always believe in you
and everything you are capable of.
They will always love you without condition,
and they will always give you the fortitude
to create your own most PURPOSEFUL, MARVELOUS, AND MAGICAL life...
...And all with gusto, grace, and GUMPTION!