Here she is! One of the most tranquil and unruffled Girls of Gumption,
"Serenity; Sincere, Confident, and Dignified".

The Story Behind The Painting
Serenity is as tranquil as the still waters of the sea
during a calm, cloudless night.
Her gently flowing blue and green hair
mirrors the vastness and depth of the sea's inner calm
and her depthless blue eyes reflect deep empathy and compassion.
She holds herself upright in a firm yet gentle manner,
radiating warmth and openness
and showing the strength of one who always speaks her truth.
She is unruffled by the daily turbulence of chaos
and faces everything with a quiet dignity and confidence
which makes her the envy and idol of all those who are blessed to know her.
Her essence of pure truth comes from deep within her soul heart space,
and allows her to have a genuineness and openness
that provides ease and comfort to those who find themselves in her company
whether or not they have known her for years
or they have only just met.
Her heartfelt honesty and her sincere expression
spark authentic connections with others
in the workplace, at home, and in social settings and romantic situations.
The Story of who she is And How She Interacts With The World
Her story is evident in her interactions with others.
In these interactions,
she treats each person with respect and kindness,
recognizing the inherent dignity within them.
Her words are thoughtful and measured, spoken with sincerity and empathy.
She listens attentively and offers her presence and support to those who seek her counsel. Even in the face of adversity, she maintains her composure,
and finds solace in her deep-rooted sense of self.
Her ability to be transparent and show her vulnerability
is appreciated and embraced by her friends and coworkers,
as it gives them the confidence to also be vulnerable
which, in turn, helps them to grow and expand
and become more authentic to themselves and others.
In this way, she simultaneously models and spreads sincere connections
and stands witness to the beauty that emerges from honest expression.
Serenity is also a woman of dignity
who gracefully navigates the tapestry of her life
and depicts an air of poise and self-assurance.
Her every step exudes confidence, as she carries herself
with an innate understanding of her own worth.
Her demeanour is composed,
yet her spirit shines with an inner strength that stems from her unwavering belief in herself.
She also understands the influence she has on others
and treats them as though they are valuable and worthy people to be treasured
...because she knows they are.
Serenity's Message To You
Serenity has a beautiful message just for you.
She says:
"Embrace the sincerity of your intentions and be true to yourself
so you can build trustworthy connections."
"Command the challenges you will inevitably face in your life
by believing in your abilities and acting with confidence."
"Live your life with grace, honour, and self-respect
and simultaneously inspire others to live their lives from the same place."
And finally she says...
Go forth in this way and you will be blessed with an authentic life
full of love and joy, and surrounded by kindred spirits.
